Time Together

Two Fridays ago, I spent some time with Two of my grandkids (Nicholas and Samantha). I was on my way to see our daughter (GiGi) together with my Two sons (David and John). Although the purpose of our get-together was not pleasure, it was nonetheless, a pleasure to spend that time together. It was good for me to see the boys hug each other and talk (it had been a long time coming). John said that even though there had been "a drifting apart," we are ONE family; and coming together is what families do. Perhaps we can/should/will do this more often, under happier circumstances. It was also SO good to see our "baby", GiGi. I hope she wasn't embarrassed when I called her our "jewel". Thank you, John, for making it possible for me. Thank you, David, for getting me where I needed to go. Thank you both for coming together; for showing your love, your concern, and your support.
I love you.


Julie Madera said…
The blog looks good David! I can't wait to read more!
Maybe you guys can come up here to Ohio real soon!

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